Logical or Emotional Decision Making?

There are 2 decision centers in our mind: Logic and Emotions.  We think that, whenever we make any decision, our logical mind is involved. We see all pros and cons and make logical decisions, however, usually, our emotional mind plays a lot part in decision-making. Let’s take an example if you are a kid and... Continue Reading →

Crazy 8- in Relationship

The Crazy 8 is a destructive emotional cycle that swings from sadness or anger to happiness and then back again, like dancing a figure 8. People allow the cycle to continue both because it is a habit and because at some level it makes them feel connected with their partner and meets an emotional and... Continue Reading →

Let go of ‘Attachment’

"This used to be my home" This is my bag for past 5 years This was my habit for so many years My grandmother have a story here. My father have a story there. I can't leave this places, this things, this phase and everything. This used to be my situation for everything. I used... Continue Reading →

When you turn ‘Divine’…

4 days back my dadi died. "Missing you Dadi":( So, she was around 83 years, quite old and not well. In last 2-3 months, she was completely on bed and her health was falling ever since. I met her 2 days before she died. She was so thin, almost skeleton, not able to speak. Just... Continue Reading →

Building Aura

"Aura introduces you even before you introduce yourself" Aura is the energy near us that is the collection of all the thoughts and their frequency that we are thinking. So all the positive and negative thoughts that are going in our mind creates an energy that is unique to us. We can say it as... Continue Reading →

Food is an ‘Art work’

I am not good at cooking food, and neither did it interest me. Yes, I love food, but of my choice obviously. Since childhood, when mom used to say, "Khana bnana sikh le, shadi k baad kya kregi..". My answer was, "I will have cook". I did not even view the youtube videos of cooking.... Continue Reading →

Definition of ‘Perfection’

Perfection Getting a perfect body, getting perfect hair, perfect job, perfect career, perfect life. Who decides these level of perfection, we are trying to achieve. Keep running in the race. But reality is, "There is no definition of perfection". There is uniqueness in each story. Even I am writing this blog is not perfect. Some... Continue Reading →

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